Art Migration
As part of OP work to solve access to underrepresented communities who do not traditionally have access to arts and arts education we will launch Art Migration. This bus based studio program began from past projects that use temporarily placed shipping containers. We identified the value in a similar setup, but mobile. We will access neighborhoods which might not have the open space resources. By working with the local neighborhoods and city permitting offices we plan to move the bus to different neighborhoods throughout the year. The bus will remain in each neighborhood for several weeks offering free or low cost art classes where students will gain enough materials and knowledge to continue the art form.
We need your support to get this program activated! OP will be spending 2022, raising funds to acquire and retrofit a retired Metro bus into a mobile art studio.
Otter & Penguin Shop Space Capital Campaign
With the tremendous growth of the western Washington area we have taken notice of the ever increasing demand for creative makerspaces. Our research and interviews with local artists and creators made it clear that an economically stable facility was needed. The majority of the people we spoke to cited ever increasing rent in their studios being economically unstable for them. In most cases these rent increases were due to development of the buildings their studios were housed in. OP’s mission is to develop space that we own, with a sustainable financial investment to ensure that resident artists are not displaced due high costs.
Our spaces are open to everyone of all skill levels and ages.
The OP staff have spent their careers running and developing makerspaces for some of the nation's largest organizations. Taking from this experience we have the knowledge to ensure continued growth and long term financial stability.
Over the next 5 years OP will be raising funds for the acquisition of space and build out of the shop. We have started collaboration with the local Seattle Arts Districts as one of several partners to create an arts and cultural facility within the district. Combining resources is one of the strongest ways the creative sector can grow in a stable environment. With that in mind if you are interested in partnering with us or donating space please use our contact form. We would love to talk to you.