Seattle ARCH is an ad hoc group dedicated to preserving, commemorating and disseminating the history of Seattle’s Freeway Revolt. This far-reaching citizen movement of the late 1960s and early 70s was instrumental in halting two major freeways and significantly downsizing a third, saving parks, shoreline and thousands of homes and businesses.
Seattle’s freeway revolt is a story of the power of ordinary citizens to change public policy and dramatically shape the environment in which they live. The mission of Seattle ARCH is to preserve this history and make it accessible to current and future generations. We have advocated for development of the “Ramps to Nowhere Historic Site,” paying tribute Seattle’s anti-freeway movement, and collaborated on two documentary films that tell the story of this far-reaching citizen movement. Our efforts span community outreach, historical research and documentation, fundraising, media relations, public speaking, and communication to elected officials and key stakeholders.